Everyone wants a safe space to feel seen and heard.


SI Executive Coaching


Do you want to contribute in a valued meaningful way? Are you ready for a change? Do you want to improve your performance, communication, and impact? One on one executive coaching may be for you.


Partners & Teams

Lead by example, Integrate executive coaching into your company’s culture and support your team, associates, or partners in enhancing communication, team dynamics, productivity, collaboration, and cohesiveness.


Mediation &

Conflict Resolution

Looking for help? Try coaching to support mediation and conflict resolution amongst partners, teams, and stakeholders.

*Resiliency, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Social Justice, and Belonging Coaching - Available Upon Request.


Mindset Coaching

It’s time: you can sense it deep inside. You are ready to upgrade yourself into a more empowered you. Whether you are in a rut or ready for an upgrade in your career or personally, this may be for you! Experience a guided self-discovery that elevates your heart and mind exploring the connection between all areas of your life and their impact on your professional viability and vitality.


Couples Coaching

Do you highly value your intimate relationship? Upgrade your relationship(s) with a guided couple’s/family discovery to gain deeper insight about your relationship(s) while setting and executing personal and professional goals together. Why solely look back, when together you can look forward?



Utilize coaching to navigate the world of wellness: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, financially, and more. Explore the relationship between your professional success and your wellness. What is the current state of your health, fitness, and wellness? Are there areas you would like to change, improve, or upgrade? Establish self-care practices, new thought processes, and actions to improve your personal and professional wellness.



SI Group Coaching

Group Sol

Enjoy an epic synergy of support. Group Sol provides a guided journey of discovery and insights with others you may or not know. Connect with a new community and experience group coaching.

Next Cohort Begins July 1, 2024.

If interested email info@sol-insight.com. Space is limited.

Group Sol Coaches

Are you a coach that wants a group coaching experience? C a group of coaches you may or not know, interested in experiencing group coaching and learning more about facilitating group coaching for their own practice..

Next Cohort Begins July 1, 2024.

If interested email info@sol-insight.com. Space is limited.

Group Sol Couples

Enjoy an epic synergy of support for couples. Group Sol provides a guided journey of discovery and insight with other couples you may or not know. Connect with a new community of partners and experience group couples coaching.

Next Cohort Begins July 1, 2024.

If interested email info@sol-insight.com. Space is limited.

Note - Couples Coaching is also available (without the group).

eCourse - eMotion:

Energy in Motion

This 8-week course guides you through 7 Simple Steps that will transform your life and actively revitalize your energy through intentionality and practice: moving you from a pain point to possibility.

Is there an area in your life, that you feel a block, stuck, or in a rut? This course will show you how to make the necessary shifts to catalyze and fuel progress, movement, and motion toward your desired outcomes and goals.

Next Cohort Course: July 1-September 1, 2024.

If interested email info@sol-insight.com.